Sunday, January 31, 2010

Fun with Grandma and Grandpaw

Brooks and Jackson

I think Brooks really looks like Michael's baby pictures in this picture!

Brooks and unlce Pat

Jackson sat so still and straight! Brooks would not quit moving all around!

Friday night Brooks went to stay with Grandma and Gradpaw for the first time. He had a great time and they said he was good. He really is a good baby. I did not get any pictures of him with them, but I did get a few of Brooks and Jackson. Vance and Leeanne brought Jackson over Saturday to see Brooks and we took pictures of them in their rocking chairs that they got for Christmas. Thank goodness there are two so when they bigger they won't fight over them and the chairs have their names on them! Thank you Grandma and Grandpaw for keeping me! I had a great time and can't wait to come back. I love you both! I love you to Mawmaw! Brooks also got to spend some time with his Mawmaw Saturday. He just got all kind of loving!

1 comment:

  1. Kayla he is soo cute!! I love the naked picture too - he really does look so content... precious!!! Glad y'all are doing good.
