Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Baby Update!

Ok so it has been another 4 weeks since I updated my blog! I am just making a short post right now and hopefully later I can post some pictures. I went to the doctor yesterday and I had made progress! I was 2cm dilated and he said that I had really thinned out. He is still planning on inducing me on the 25th unless Brooks decides he wants to come sooner. It was so funny when we were leaving b/c Michael looked at me and said I am going to be a nervous wreck until Tuesday b/c last week I was not dilated and now I am and we have to drive a little over an hour to get to the hospital. Anyway, so I have been feeling fine other than my feet swelling. The doctor did take me off of work last week when I went. I have been bored out of my mind and wishing I was at work to make the time go by faster! Oh well just 7 more days and I will finally get to see this little fella!

We finally got moved into the house. Yea!!! Michael's brother Vance and his wife Leeanne came and helped us move. Thank you both so much. We have almost everything situated just a few small things left to do. We got the baby's room almost finished. My aunt made my bedding and I just love it, now I just have to hang the curtains she made and it will be finished. Thank you Sissy for making Brooks' room look so good.

Ok so I will try and post pictures later of his room and maybe a picutre of my belly! ugh I have gotten so big and swollen lately. Ok so that is it for now.

1 comment:

  1. I am so excited about baby Brooks arrival! He is going to be so precious and sweet! Come stay with us this weekend! We love yall!
